
Compasso d’oro Museum

  /    /    /  Compasso d’oro Museum

Talk about design through design. Why not talk of the Italian design then? Presenting the design of others should not be a mere work of emulation. This project was born as a homage to a timeless classic of our own design, the Brionvega Cube by Zanuso and Sapper that still rages on the magazines as a work beyond its time.

In our interpretation the Cube will become a capsule, testimonies of our past within a testimony of our time.

The exposure method adopts a double solution; a diachronic gallery and a synchronic mezzanine.

In the gallery the Prize will present objects considered of significance. The capsule will set the pace of this diachrony, in which a decade chosen by the curator will appear: from that chosen decade you can then select objects of a three-year period that can be rotated at will in order to enliven the exposure and make it continuously alive. On the side of the capsules there is a lettering, detachable and modular to adapt to the curators’ needs, clearly visible by users as they enter the exhibition to mark the period under consideration.

The synchronic mezzanine can be used both for “themes” and to highlight one or more objects chosen from the whole historical period exhibited. We made possible bringing on the mezzanine objects of considerable size (loaded by an elevator) which, otherwise, would not find a place in the diachrony where they would overshadow all the other objects.

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Milan, Italy


Vincenzo De Luce


Rosario Parmendola



